Sandra De Berduccy /aruma
“Llimphiri: Electrochemical Variations (Llimphiri: Variaciones Electroquímicas). Llimphiri names a series of textile art works that result from electrochemical experiences based on dynamics between acid and alkaline media that generates electricity. Departing from previous experimentation with natural dyes, Sandra will research and experiment with colors and shades derived from local plants, insects and detritus found in the neighbourhood of the Fazenda Santa Teresa, as well as in the Serra da Bocaina National Park. The project emphasizes the aesthetic potential of each local environment, with its human inhabitants and their skills, stressing the importance to preserve often unexplored rural technologies. Her tinctures equally depend on the preservation of human traditions and addressing the issue of conservation and regeneration of native flora.” Jury text
“(..) Even though she prefers not to resort to the notion of translation to reflect upon her own work, Sandra De Berduccy /aruma used the permutation of materials in different supports in Llimphiri: Variaciones electroquímicas. Based on the idea of generating electrochemical experiences, Aruma’s project resorts to the extraction of natural dyes, which she would later affect with electricity. The result is that “a sort of chromatography is generated, since electrical current decomposes the tint solution, revealing the chromatic spectrum which composes it” 4. As in DeCo and Tatiana’s work, Aruma has also wandered around the terrain of the unexpected: the result of the intentional variations can never be predicted.
Needless to say, all of the projects were influenced by modifications – desired or not, though always unexpected ones. An environment can never be a decorated scene or a mere backdrop, particularly when we open up ourselves to becoming involved with other people. In the same way as presented on the opening anecdote of this text, the desire to become involved through listening and dialogue can imply a certain degree of risk, often related to dealing with expectations, (mis)understandings and the potentiality of detachment. (..) ”
text fragment “Listening processes at rural.scapes #labRes2016_2”
by Mariela Cantú – critic in residence.