Tiago P. L. Rubini
“Sonification of Tactical Bodies (Sonorização de Corpos Táticos): Tiago will address gender political issues, especially related to violence towards transgender people. His project aims to develop poetic guerrilla techniques to be applied in the countryside and elsewhere, in order to function as alarm systems for vulnerable minorities. From a ‘post-porn’ perspective, he will create sound micro-systems, and also include organic elements to possibly grow devices literally. Beyond the gender political aspects, his works expands the scope of human interaction to integrate intersections with other beings, and to question human exceptionalism to be contrasted with our own status as ‘multi-species beings.” Jury text
“(..) The project Sonorização de corpos táticos, by Tiago Rubini, was intended as a “set of techniques for dissenting bodies to interfere in the space in an ostensive and poetic manner”5, and it has been the result of three previous works, Monitoreo de la Resistencia Galvánica Anal, dildos orgánicos comestibles and estridente. Despite the fact that these analog devices have been elaborated and improved during the residency, I have the feeling that it was their field of application which most modifications suffered. Part of Tiago’s proposal dealt with the possibility of using them as part of a project to interfere the public space which, at least within the Fazenda, resulted in quite a complex category. In addition, his proposal was also framed as a potential activism exercise for a community of non-heteronormative people, which did not seem to exist as a settled community at Sao José de Barreiro. However, the discovery of a different set of potentialities was possible. Even though a settled community could not be detected (at least when resorting to the usual parameters through which we consider or classify them in big cities), various singularities met to dialogue in several workshops and presentations coordinated by Tiago –in which creations ranging from analog sound devices to natural makeup emerged. Also, organic edible dildos (“plausible to be electronically voiced bodies”6), would take into consideration the interaction with and between beings and technologies -and not necessarily human beings, deepening a non-speciesist perspective, within an environment that indispensably nourishes itself from such relations. (..)”
text fragment “Listening processes at rural.scapes #labRes2016_2”
by Mariela Cantú – critic in residence.