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  • jury members #labRes2016_1: _Bia Medeiros _Rachel Rosalen _Rafael Marchetti _Tere Badia _Pedro Soler


    Bia Medeiros
    BA in Art Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, she obtained a Master’s degree in Aesthetics and a Phd in Art and Sciences of Art from the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and a post-doctorate in Philosophy from the Collège International de Philosophie, Paris.  She is currently Associate Professor 4 at the University of Brasilia. Her experience is in the field of the arts, with emphasis in visual arts, principally in the areas of contemporary art, art and technology, art and performance, urban composition. She is a researcher for the CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) and, since 1992,  coordinator of the research group Corpos Informáticos. She was Assistant Coordinator for the area of Arts in the CAPES-MEC (2005-2010) and Coordinator of the Post-Graduate Program for the Arts in Arte-UnB (2003-2004; 2011-2013).

    |corpos.org |  corpos.blogspot.com |
    |performancecorpopolitica.net |  grafiasdebiamedeiros.blogspot.com.br |


    Tere Badia
    BA in History of Art from the University of Barcelona and MA in Sociology from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Coordinator of the program Disonancias (Platform for the incentive of open and collaborative innovation between artists and companies) in Catalonia. The AAVC (Association of Visual Artists of Catalunya) commissioned her to direct the strategic plan for R + D + i (Research, Development and Innovation) in the field of the Visual Arts in Catalonia. Researcher on cultural policies, art networks, international cultural cooperation and art research and production. She has also developed her career in Fundación Interarts (Barcelona) and the communication agency Goetzinger + Komplizen (Karlsruhe). Since January 2010 she is the director of Hangar. | http://hangar.org/es/hangar/equip/tere-badia-2/ |


    Pedro Soler
    Trained in digital arts at the Audiovisual Institute of the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain (1997-1998), Pedro Soler has participated in numerous initiatives related to multimedia, art and free culture. Co-founder of the fiftyfifty collective in Barcelona in 1999, curator in Sónar festival from 2000 to 2006, artist-programmer for theatre in Paris from 2003 to 2006 and director of Hangar, production centre for visual arts in Barcelona, from 2006 to 2009. In 2010 he curated the exhibitions “L’Espai de l’Intent” (Centro Cultural Can Felipa, Barcelona) y “Lo uno y lo Múltiple” (La Capella, Barcelona y ASCII Foundation, El Cairo) and opened Plataforma Cero, a space for production and investigation in the arts, located in LABoral, Gijón, Spain. From 2012 he travelled widely as freelance, finally arriving in Medellín in 2014 where he worked with Platohedro, Casa Tres Patios and Parque Explora. In 2015 he curated the exhibition “Art in Orbit” in the CAC, Quito. Currently he is working on the project Tranmestizx in Ecuador and is the artistic director of the Transitio_MX 07 bienal to be held in 2017 in Mexico DF. |http://word.root.ps |

    Bia Medeiros, Tere Badia, Pedro Soler (invited jury).
    Rafael Marchetti and Rachel Rosalen (directors and curators of rural.scapes).

    Jury Text